6. Tests

6.1. Introduction

We provide some unit tests for the Slicer ROS module. The unit tests rely on the automatically generated Python wrapper to to test the C++ MRML nodes. These tests assumes you’ve installed the default ROS2 desktop packages and use the turtlesim examples provided along ROS2.

To test the MRML ROS2 parameter node, the ROS2 turtlesim nodes are started in the background so you will see some windows popping up.

To test the subscribers and publishers, the unit tests subscribe and publish to the same topic so we can send and receive from the same node. This also indirectly tests the conversion methods.

Finally, for Tf2 lookups and broadcasts, we use the strategy used to test the subscribers and publishers. The test broadcasts a known transform and uses a lookup to retrieve the value of the Tf2 buffer.

6.2. Running the unit tests

tests = slicer.util.getModuleLogic('ROS2Tests')

The tests intentionally attempts to perform commands that should fail therefore you will see a few error and error messages displayed in the Python console. To see the result of the tests, you will have to scroll up.