4. MRML ROS Nodes

The high level ROS functionalities (publisher, subscriber, Tf2 broadcast, Tf2 lookup or parameter client) are all encapsulated as Slicer MRML nodes, i.e. derived from the class vtkMRMLNode and added to the MRML Scene. This allows to leverage some of the Slicer features:

  • Using Slicer node observer pattern to trigger user code when a new ROS message has been received (subscribers, parameters or Tf2 lookups).

  • Data visualization using the MRML scene.

  • Retrieve node by ID, name or type.

  • Python API automatically generated on top of the native C++ code.

  • Ability to save and restore your ROS nodes along the MRML scene.

All the SlicerROS2 classes follow the Slicer naming convention, i.e. vtkMRMLxxxxNode. We added the ROS2 “prefix” for all the class names so we’re using vtkMRMLROS2xxxxNode where xxxx represents a ROS functionality. This works fairly well but makes it a bit hard to read for the MRML node than encapsulates a ROS node, i.e. a vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode.

4.1. Design

4.1.1. C++ vs Python

Since both Slicer and ROS provide a Python interface we first tried to use Python as the glue between Slicer and ROS. The main issue on Ubuntu is that ROS relies on the system python (version 3.8 on Ubuntu 20.04) while Slicer builds it’s own Python interpreter (e.g. 3.9). Since both libraries are not just native Python code, loading (import) both Slicer and ROS in the same interpreter is not possible as they rely on different versions of Python C++ libraries. We also considered using the same Python version for both Slicer and ROS, i.e. build everything using Python 3.8 or Python 3.9. Unfortunately, building Slicer against the Ubuntu provided Python interpreter (3.8) is no currently supported by the Slicer “super build”. Alternatively, using the Slicer provided Python 3.9 to build the ROS Python bindings (rclpy) proved challenging unless one wanted to recompile ROS from scratch instead of using the existing Ubuntu binary packages.

We ultimately decided to implement the SlicerROS2 module in C++ and rely on the VTK/Slicer build to provide the Python bindings. The SlicerROS2 module is compiled against the Slicer and ROS2 libraries which is a bit challenging since both packages have their own CMake macros and have some Python version requirements. The CMakeLists.txt provided along SlicerROS2 works but you’ll have to ignore some error and warning messages.

4.1.2. Execution Model

One of the challenges of integrating ROS in Slicer is to figure out the execution model. ROS relies heavily on callbacks triggered by external messages. This requires to either use a separate thread to “spin” the ROS event loop or periodically call the ROS “spin” method from the application’s main thread. Since we are heavily relying on the MRML scene, using a separate thread is not trivial. Therefore the SlicerROS2 module relies on the main Slicer thread to trigger a periodic call to the ROS spin. We currently use a Qt timer to trigger this periodic call.


The default frequency for the SlicerROS2 module is 50Hz, i.e. 20ms


Since we rely on a Qt timer to trigger the ROS spin, the module will not receive any ROS messages until the GUI is created, i.e. until the ROS module is manually loaded in Slicer.

4.1.3. Templates vs Inheritance

The two packages also differ in their design patterns. Slicer (and VTK) strongly relies on base classes and inheritance to allow runtime decisions. Meanwhile, ROS heavily relies on templates and type traits which are handled at compilation time. Most ROS communication mechanisms only support a finite number of data types (e.g. parameters are booleans, integers, floating points, strings or vector of aforementioned types, tf2 uses transforms only…) so this is not a major issue.

The main difficulty lies in supporting ROS topics and services For your code, we ended up using templates for our internal data structures and add some macros to generate the user classes. These macros use template specialization and add some methods to create a C++ class that can be used within Slicer (including the Python bindings generation).

4.1.4. Coordinate Systems and Units

The SlicerROS2 module will automatically convert between the default 3D frames conventions in Slicer and ROS. Slicer (and by extension all VTK objects in Slicer) follow the RAS convention and distances are provided in millimeters. Meanwhile uses the RHS convention and SI units (meters).

4.2. Nodes

The SlicerROS2 module always creates a default ROS node (internally a rclcpp::node). This node is both a ROS node and a MRML node, hence the unfortunate name vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode. This node is added to the MRML scene and should be used to add your custom vtkMRMLROS2 nodes (topics, parameter…). It is possible to add more ROS nodes in SlicerROS2 but this feature has not been tested extensively for the first release.

To retrieve the default ROS node:

rosLogic = slicer.util.getModuleLogic('ROS2')
rosNode = rosLogic.GetDefaultROS2Node()

We don’t recommend that you delete the default node. If you create another node and need to delete it, use the method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::Destroy.

4.3. Topics

In ROS, publishers and subscribers can send/receive any type of ROS message (defined in .msg files). These .msg files are then parsed by a code generator that creates the C++ code needed to support said message. All the classes and functions needed for ROS topics can then be templated and uses the “type traits pattern” since all the messages have a similar API. On the other hand, Slicer tends to avoid template for end-user classes. So we created a set of basic publishers and subscribers to convert messages between ROS and Slicer.

Publishers and subscribers

Slicer type

ROS type

SlicerROS2 “name”


































For example, if you need to create a publisher that will take a vtkMatrix4x4 on the Slicer side and publish a geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped on the ROS side, the full SlicerROS2 node name will be vtkMRMLROSPublisherPoseStampedNode.

4.3.1. Publishers

To create a new publisher, one should use the MRML ROS2 Node method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::CreateAndAddPublisherNode. This method takes two parameters:

  • the class (type) of publisher to be used. We provide some publishers for the most common data types (from Slicer to ROS messages). The full list can be found in the Slicer ROS logic class (Logic/vtkSlicerROS2Logic.cxx) in the method RegisterNodes.

  • the topic name (std::string).

Publishers are triggered by calling the Publish method.

rosLogic = slicer.util.getModuleLogic('ROS2')
rosNode = rosLogic.GetDefaultROS2Node()
pubString = rosNode.CreateAndAddPublisherNode('vtkMRMLROS2PublisherStringNode', '/my_string')
# run `ros2 topic echo /my_string` in a terminal to see the output
pubString.Publish('my first string')

pubMatrix = ros2.CreateAndAddPublisher('vtkMRMLROS2PublisherPoseStampedNode', '/my_matrix')
# run `ros2 topic echo /my_matrix` in a terminal to see the output
mat = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
mat.SetElement(0, 3, 3.1415) # Modify the matrix so we can see something changing

To remove the publisher node, use the method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::RemoveAndDeletePublisherNode. This method takes one parameter:

  • the topic name (std::string)

4.3.2. Subscribers

To create a new subscriber, one should use the MRML ROS2 Node method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::CreateAndAddSubscriberNode. This method takes two parameters:

  • the class (type) of subscriber to be used. See :Publishers.

  • the topic name (std::string).

Subscriber nodes get updated when the ROS2 node is spun. Users can set their own callback to act on newly received messages using an observer on the MRML ROS subscriber node. The last message received can be retrieved using GetLastMessage.

rosLogic = slicer.util.getModuleLogic('ROS2')
rosNode = rosLogic.GetDefaultROS2Node()
subString = rosNode.CreateAndAddSubscriberNode('vtkMRMLROS2SubscriberStringNode', '/my_string')
# run `ros2 topic pub /my_string` to send a string
m_string = sub.GetLastMessage()
# alternate, get a string with the full message
m_string_yaml = sub.GetLastMessageYAML()
# since the subscriber is a MRML node, you can also create an observer (callback)
# to trigger some code when a new message is received
observerId = subString.AddObserver('ModifiedEvent', myCallback)

To remove the subscriber node, use the method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::RemoveAndDeleteSubscriberNode. This method takes one parameter:

  • the topic name (std::string)

4.4. Parameters

This version of SlicerROS2 only supports parameter clients, i.e. retrieving parameters held by other ROS nodes (i.e. ROS processes running along Slicer).

The parameter MRML ROS node is slightly different from the other MRML ROS nodes implemented in SlicerROS2. A ROS parameter is fully identified by the ROS node n that hold the parameter and the parameter name p so we could have an implementation that would require one MRML ROS node for each parameter. In practice, this can lead to way too many MRML nodes. For example, if you have two parameters p1 and p2 held by the same ROS node n1, we would have to create two MRML ROS nodes, n1p1 and n1p2. Since the ROS 2 libraries provide a single message to retrieve all the parameters help by a single node, we decided to require one MRML ROS node per ROS node observed. This MRML ROS node can then observe all the parameters held by the ROS node.

To create a new parameter node, one should use the MRML ROS2 Node method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::CreateAndAddParameterNode. This method takes one parameter:

  • the name of the ROS node that holds the parameters you wish to retrieve (std::string). This is an actual ROS node, running along Slicer.

Once the vtkMRMLROS2ParameterNode observing the ROS node n1 is added, one needs to specify which parameters to observe using the method vtkMRMLROS2ParameterNode::AddParameter.

Parameter nodes get updated when the ROS2 node is spun. Users can set their own callback to act on newly received messages using an observer on the MRML ROS parameter node.

ROS supports a limited number of types to encode parameters (ROS2 parameters). Most types are supported in SlicerROS2 and we provide methods to determine the type at runtime. The recommended steps are:

  • check if the parameter exists using IsParameterSet(parameterName)

  • get the parameter type using GetParameterType(parameterName)

  • use the correct accessor based on the parameter’s type, for example GetParameterAsString(parameterName)

Parameter types and accessors



















For convenience, we also provide the method vtkMRMLROS2ParameterNode::PrintParameter which will provide a human readable description of the parameter whatever the type is (using std::string).

rosLogic = slicer.util.getModuleLogic('ROS2')
rosNode = rosLogic.GetDefaultROS2Node()
# setup to get parameter robot_description from node state_publisher
parameterNode = rosNode.CreateAndAddParameterNode('state_publisher')
# check if parameter is set, C++ example is more detailed
if parameterNode.IsParameterSet('robot_description'):
  # then check the type
  if parameterNode.GetParameterType('robot_description') == 'string':
    robotDescription = parameterNode.GetParameterAsString('robot_description')

To remove the broadcaster node, use the method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::RemoveAndDeleteParameterNode. This method takes one parameter:

  • the monitored node name (std::string) i.e. ‘robot_state_publisher’

4.5. Tf2

For Tf2, there is no need to support multiple data types since Tf2’s API exclusively uses geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped. On the Slicer side, the classes vtkMRMLROS2Tf2BroadcasterNode and vtkMRMLROS2Tf2LookupNode support both vtkMatrix4x4 and vtkMRMLTransformNode.

Tf2 lookups use a Tf2 buffer to store all the Tf2 messages (broadcasts) sent by all the ROS nodes. For the SlicerROS2 module, we decided to add a Tf2 buffer as a private data member of the vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode since most users will never need a direct access to the Tf2 buffer. The Tf2 lookups are performed when the node node is spun.

4.5.1. Broadcasts

To create a new Tf2 broadcaster, one should use the MRML ROS2 Node method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::CreateAndAddTf2BroadcasterNode. This method takes two parameters:

  • the parent ID (std::string)

  • the child ID (std::string)

Broadcasters are triggered by calling the Broadcast method. It is also possible to set the Tf2 broadcast as an observer for an existing vtkMRMLTransformNode using the method ObserveTransformNode. The broadcast will then automatically occur when the observed transform node is modified.

rosLogic = slicer.util.getModuleLogic('ROS2')
rosNode = rosLogic.GetDefaultROS2Node()
broadcaster = ros2Node.CreateAndAddTf2BroadcasterNode('Parent', 'Child')
# Broadcast a 4x4 matrix
broadcastedMat = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
broadcastedMat.SetElement(0, 3, 66.0) # Set a default value

To remove the broadcaster node, use the method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::RemoveAndDeleteTf2BroadcasterNode. This method takes two parameters:

  • the parent ID (std::string)

  • the child ID (std::string)

4.5.2. Lookups

To create a new Tf2 lookup, one should use the MRML ROS2 Node method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::CreateAndAddTf2LookupNode. This method takes two parameters:

  • the parent ID (std::string)

  • the child ID (std::string)

The class vtkMRMLROS2Tf2LookupNode is derived from vtkMRMLTransformNode so it can be used as any other transformation in the MRML scene.

Lookup nodes get updated when the ROS2 node is spun. Users can set their own callback to act on updated transformations using an observer on the MRML ROS subscriber node. The last transformation received can be retrieved using GetMatrixTransformToParent.

rosLogic = slicer.util.getModuleLogic('ROS2')
rosNode = rosLogic.GetDefaultROS2Node()
lookupNode = self.ros2Node.CreateAndAddTf2LookupNode('Parent', 'Child')
# get the transform "manually"
lookupMat = lookupNode.GetMatrixTransformToParent()
# or use an observer
observerId = lookupNode.AddObserver(slicer.vtkMRMLTransformNode.TransformModifiedEvent, observer.Callback)

To remove the lookup node, the method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::RemoveAndDeleteTf2LookupNode. This method takes two parameters:

  • the parent ID (std::string)

  • the child ID (std::string)

4.6. Robots

To create a new Robot node, one can either use the UI (instructions in Section 3.3) or create the robot programmatically with the following commands. The convenience function vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::CreateAndAddRobotNode was added to the module logic that accepts three arguments (std::string robotName, std::string parameterNodeName, std::string parameterName).

rosLogic = slicer.util.getModuleLogic('ROS2')
rosNode = rosLogic.GetDefaultROS2Node()
rosNode.CreateAndAddRobotNode('PSM','PSM1/robot_state_publisher','robot_description') # Using the PSM as an example

The robot node creates an observer on the parameter node that contains the robot description. If the parameter node is modified (indicating that the robot description is available), it begins the process of loading the visuals for the robot into the scene. This process involves: parsing the URDF file, creating a list of Tf2 lookups in the scene, creating the models for each link of the robot and applying the correct color and offset position relative to the base of the robot. Once the visuals have been created, the Tf2 lookups start to check the Tf2 buffer and update the position of the model according to the joint state publisher.

To remove the robot, use the “Remove robot” button on the UI or the method vtkMRMLROS2NodeNode::RemoveAndDeleteRobotNode. This method takes one parameter:

  • the robot name (std::string)